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Third Party Supplier Information Clearview Electric, Inc. dba Clearview Energy
License # ESL-0089

Toll Free Number:1.800.746.4702
Representatives available Monday – Friday, 9:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. ET

New Jersey Mailing Address:
1744 Lexington Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08110

Corporate Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 130659, Dallas, TX 75313

Clearview Energy is responsible for your supply charges.

Price Structure Fixed Kilowatt Rate Product
Generation/Supply Price $0.1689 per kilowatt hour; monthly base charge $0.00
Statement Regarding Savings This supply rate may not always provide savings
Amount of time required to change from TPS back to default service or to another TPS Upon cancellation with Clearview Energy, your electric supply services will be transferred to the
default service or another TPS on the next applicable meter read date as established by your Local
Distribution Company (LDC).
Incentives None
Right to Cancel/Rescind You have seven (7) calendar days from the date of the LDC’s confirmation notice to contact your LDC and cancel this Agreement.
Contract Start Date This Agreement goes into effect on the effective date established by the LDC
Contract Term/Length 12 Month fixed rate term
Cancellation/Early Termination Fees $150.00
Renewal Terms Upon expiration of your fixed term, your service will automatically continue under a Clearview Energy variable month-to-month renewal product, with a base fee starting at $9.99, for which rates may change at Clearview Energy’s discretion outside of any applicable promotion and may be higher or lower than the Standard Offer rate in any given month. You will receive a renewal notice thirty (30) days prior to the renewal date. If you do not respond to the renewal notice, at its discretion, Clearview Energy may renew your account under the terms described in the renewal notice.
Local Distribution Company Information Your LDC will continue to deliver your electricity. Please contact your LDC in the event of an
emergency or power outage. You will continue to receive one bill from you LDC that includes
Clearview Energy’s supply charges and the LDC’s distribution charges.

Atlantic City Electric (ACE)
For Customer Service: 1.800.642.3780
For Outages & Emergencies: 1.800.833.7476

Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L)
For Customer Service: 1.800.662.3115
For Outages & Emergencies: 1.888.544.4877

Orange & Rockland Utilities, Inc.
For Customer Service, Outages, & Emergencies: 1.877.434.4100

Public Service Electric & Gas Company (PSEG)
For Customer Service, Outages, & Emergencies: 1.800.436.7734

Version Date NJ.CS.E_4.15.2019


This Agreement is for electric supply service between Clearview Electric, Inc. dba Clearview Energy (“Clearview Energy”) and Customer. Customer and plan information can be found in the Product Information Chart. The Product Information Chart is hereby made an integral part of this Agreement. Clearview Energy is licensed as an electric power supplier by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (“BPU”) [License # ESL-0089]. Clearview Energy establishes your electric supply rate. The BPU regulates the distribution rates of your Local Distribution Company (“LDC”). The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regulates transmission prices and services. A Spanish version is available at Customer’s request by contacting Clearview Energy’s customer service department or by visiting

This Agreement is the entire contract between the parties and supersedes any prior written or oral representations.
Product Information Chart
Electric Product Name ClearGuarantee12
Product Description Fixed Kilowatt Rate Product
Energy Type Traditional Energy Product
Agreement Term 12 Month fixed rate term
Monthly Base Charge $0.00
Early Termination Fee $150.00
Promotion None

1. Right of Rescission

Customer may rescind this Agreement within seven (7) calendar days from the date of the LDC’s confirmation letter by contacting the LDC. This Agreement is not legally binding until the rescission period has expired and you have not, directly or indirectly, rescinded your selection. The Customer is liable for all Clearview Energy charges until the Customer returns to the LDC or another supplier.

2. Price of Electricity

The price in cents per kilowatt includes: electric generation supply, transmission, capacity charges and renewable energy credits in the Independent System Operator’s (or equivalent’s) market; any applicable state and/or local taxes; and a margin adder. The price of electricity may include a Monthly Base Charge as outlined in the Plan Information Box. Clearview Energy’s supply charges do not include any LDC charges applied to the Customer.

2a. Fixed Kilowatt Rate Product – If Clearview Energy would like to propose a change to a fixed kilowatt rate product, you will be notified by the process described in Change of Terms. Fixed price products may change due to new or modified federal, state or local laws; or regulatory actions that impose new or modified fees.

2b. Month-to-month Variable Kilowatt Rate Product – Month-to-month variable kilowatt rate products are subject to change without notice at Clearview Energy’s discretion outside of any applicable promotion. Weather fluctuations may affect the price of variable rate products. If applicable, the Monthly Base Charge may also fluctuate outside of any applicable promotion.

All pricing can be viewed at

3. Billing and Payment

You will receive a single bill from your LDC that includes Clearview Energy’s electric supply charges as well as the LDC’s delivery charges. By the acceptance of this Agreement, you herby authorize the LDC to provide billing and payment information to Clearview Energy.

The Customer will pay each invoice in full within twenty (20) days of the invoice date or in the timeframe established by the LDC. Customer payments remitted in response to a consolidated bill shall be pro-rated in accordance with procedures adopted by the BPU. If the Customer fails to remit payment when due, Clearview Energy reserves the right to terminate supply services. Failure to remit payment is considered a breach of this Agreement and the Customer may be liable to Clearview Energy for any applicable early termination fee.

For any payment sent directly to Clearview Energy, which is returned by your financial institution for any reason, Clearview Energy will charge $20.00 for each payment transaction that is returned unpaid or not processed including: (1) returned checks, (2) returned electronic fund transfers, and (3) any other form of dishonored payment. This charge will be reflected as NSF on your next bill, if applicable.

4. Energy Products

4a. Renewable Energy Product – Supports renewable energy producers in the United States through the purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates equivalent to the power you consume.

4b. Traditional Energy Product – Traditional energy products sourced by a combination of coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydropower and/or other renewable energy sources. The renewable sources may include wind, solar, geothermal and/or biomass.

5. Terms of Renewal

5a. Fixed Kilowatt Rate Product – Upon expiration of your fixed term, your service will automatically continue under a Clearview Energy variable month-to-month renewal product, with a base fee starting at $9.99, for which rates may change at Clearview Energy’s discretion outside of any applicable promotion. You will receive a renewal notice thirty (30) days prior to the renewal date. If you do not respond to the renewal notice, at its discretion, Clearview Energy may renew your account under the terms described in the renewal notice.

5b. Month-to-month Variable Kilowatt Rate Product- This Agreement shall commence for a one (1) month term (“Initial Term”) and thereafter rates, with a base fee starting at $9.99, may change at Clearview Energy’s discretion outside of any applicable promotion. This Agreement shall automatically renew for successive one (1) month periods (“Renewal Term”).

6. Termination

6a. Fixed Kilowatt Rate Product – If you terminate this Agreement prior to its expiration, you will be charged an Early Termination Fee as outlined in the Product Information Chart. Your service will remain in effect until such time as the LDC completes the termination in accordance with its rules. However, you may terminate this Agreement without penalty as a result of relocation, disability that renders the customer of record unable to pay for Clearview Energy’s service, or the customer of record’s death.

6b. Month-to-month Variable Kilowatt Rate Product – This Agreement will remain in effect at Clearview Energy’s discretion or until you notify Clearview Energy of your desire to choose a fixed plan, or another provider. Customer may cancel this Agreement at any time by providing thirty (30) days’ notice to Clearview Energy at 1.800.746.4702. There is no penalty for cancellation of variable month-to-month products.

Upon termination of this Agreement, a final bill will be rendered within twenty (20) days after the final scheduled meter reading or, if access is unavailable, an estimate of consumption will be used in the final bill which will be trued up subsequent to the final meter reading. Clearview Energy does not physically cut off electric service, only your LDC may do that. If Clearview Energy cancels this Agreement for any reason other than non-payment you will be mailed two (2) notices forty-five (45) and ninety (90) days prior to your service being returned to the LDC’s supply service.

7. Change in Terms

Changes to this Agreement will be provided to the customer thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the changes. If you do not respond to the mailing, Clearview Energy may implement the changes described to your account.

8. Dispute Resolution Process

If you have any questions or disputes regarding Clearview Energy’s service, please contact Clearview Energy’s customer service department at 1.800.746.4702. If you are not satisfied with the resolution after speaking with a Clearview Energy representative, then you may contact the BPU. For your convenience, the BPU’s contact information has been provided at the end of this Agreement. No terms contained herein waive any rights you may have under New Jersey or Federal Consumer Protection laws.

9. Remedies

Any claim under this Agreement must be brought within one (1) year after the cause of action arises, or such claim or cause of action is barred, notwithstanding any state statute of limitation to the contrary. No recovery may be sought or received for damages other than out-of-pocket expenses, except that the prevailing party will be entitled to costs attorneys’ fees. If a dispute arises out of or relates to this contract, or the alleged breach thereof, and if the dispute is not settled through negotiation, the parties agree first to try in good faith to settle the dispute by mediation within thirty (30) days, then the parties shall submit to binding arbitration. The process shall confidential based on terms acceptable to the mediator and/or arbitrator.

10. Assignments

Customer may not assign its interests or delegate its obligations under this Agreement without the express written consent of Clearview Energy. Clearview Energy may sell, transfer, pledge, or assign the accounts receivable, revenues, or proceeds hereof, in connection with any financing agreement, purchase of accounts receivables program or billing services agreement, and may assign this Agreement and the rights and obligations there under, to another energy supplier, or other entity as authorized by the BPU.

11. Severability

If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court or regulatory agency of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force without being invalidated in any way.

12. Force Majeure

The term “Force Majeure” shall mean any cause not reasonably within the control of the party claiming suspension and which by the exercise of due diligence, such party is unable to prevent or overcome, including but not limited to, an act of God, natural disaster, an act of war, and any act or cause which is deemed a Force Majeure by the LDC or any transportation or transmitting entity. If either party is unable, wholly or in part, by Force Majeure to perform or comply with any obligations or conditions of this Agreement, such party will give immediate written notice, to the maximum extent practical, to the other party and not be held liable.

13. Limitations of Liability

Liabilities not excused by Force Majeure or otherwise shall be limited to direct actual damages. Neither party will be liable to the other for consequential, incidental, punitive, special, exemplary, or indirect damages. Lost profits or penalties of any nature are hereby waived; these limitations apply without regard to the cause of any liability or damage, including the negligence of Clearview Energy. There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.

14. Customer Information and Release Authorization

Throughout this Agreement, you authorize Clearview Energy or its agents to obtain and review information from credit-reporting agencies regarding your credit history and information from the LDC relating to you and your account that includes, but is not limited to: account name and number; billing history; payment history; rate classification; historical and future electricity usage; meter readings; and characteristics of electricity service. Clearview Energy will not provide or sell such information to any other party without your consent unless required to do so by law, or it is necessary to enforce the terms of this Agreement. Clearview Energy reserves the right to reject your enrollment, or terminate this Agreement, in the event you rescind these authorizations.

15. Power Outages and Emergencies

If you have any electrical emergency or power outage, please contact your LDC at the number provided in Contact Information.

16. Contact Information

Clearview Electric, Inc. dba Clearview Energy
P.O.Box 130659, Dallas, TX 75313-0659
Representative available Monday - Friday
9:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. ET

Atlantic City Electric (ACE)
For Customer Service: 1.800.642.3780
For Outages & Emergencies: 1.833.7476

Jersey Central Power & Light(JCP&L)
For Customer Service: 1.800.662.3115
For Outages & Emergencies: 1.888.544.4877

Orange & Rockland Utilities,Inc.
For Customer Service, Outages, & Emergencies:

Public Service Electric & Gas Company(PSEG)
For Customer Service, Outages & Emergencies:

New Jersey Board of Public Utilities(BPU)
44 S. Clinton Avenue
Trenton, NJ 08625

License # ESL-9        NJ.TOS.E_7.19.2023

  1. Below is an illustrative example of the resources used to generate electricity for Clearview Energy customers.
  2. The PJM System Mix provided in the standard format below is to be used as the default EID Label when a TPS or EDC has not made an affirmative claim about the environmental characteristics of their product.
  3. A Third Party Supplier or EDC may substitute product specific information if it makes an affirmative claim that the electricity mix used in its product exceeds the standard default mix including the State mandates for Renewable Portfolio Standard compliance. This label must be submitted to the NJ BPU Office of Clean Energy for verification.
  4. If a TPS or EDC uses substitute data to substantiate an environmental claim, the EID label must include the TPS or BGS Providers emissions data in lb/MWh for comparison with PJM benchmark as described below.
  5. If a TPS or EDC uses substitute data to substantiate an environmental claim, the EID label must also include a graphical representation of the TPS or BGS Provider's emissions data as a percentage of PJM benchmark as described below.
  6. If a TPS or EDC uses substitute data to substantiate an environmental claim based upon the retirement of RECs beyond that required by NJ law, the EID label with sufficient documentation to determine generation sources and emissions must be submitted to the NJ BPU Office of Clean Energy for verification.
  7. Products which utilitize RECs from renewable electricity sources not delivering power into PJM cannot claim NOx or SO2 reductions in PJM from their products.
Clearview Energy relied on these energy resources to provide the electricity product.
Coal 0.00%
Gas 0.00%
Hydroelectric (large) 100.00%
Nuclear 0.00%
Oil 0.00%
Captured methane gas 0.00%
Fuel Cells 0.00%
Geothermal 0.00%
Hydroelectric (small) 0.00%
Solar 0.00%
Solid waste 0.00%
Wind 0.00%
Wood or other biomass 0.00%
Total 100.00%
Renewable Energy Sources Subtotal 0.00%

Air Emissions Rates

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 14:8-3:1(b)2, air emission rates for CO2, NOX, and SO2 associated with the fuel mix must be reported in units of pound per megawatt-hour (lb/MWh). The Benchmark Energy Source and emission rate data is the PJM System Mix for EY 2019 and represent the average amount of air pollution associated with the generation of electricity in the PJM region. The PJM System Mix average emission rate for all electricity generation in the PJM Region can be used for comparison when a NJ TPS or BGS Provider supplies actual emission data for a product making an affirmative environmental claim that exceeds the NJ Renewable Portfolio Standards. CO2 is a “greenhouse gas” which may contribute to global climate change. NOX and SO2 react to form acids found in acid rain. NOX also reacts to form ground level ozone, an unhealthful component of “smog.”

Data Source CO2 (lb/MWh) NOX (lb/MWh) SO2 (lb/MWh)
PJM System Mix 766.35 0.29 0.37
Clearview Energy 0.00 0.00 0.00
% of PJM Emissions 0 0 0
PJM Benchmark (%) 100 100 100